Get involved

Beyond the extensive coursework, students are exposed to several opportunities such as field trips, honor society, and faculty interactions that enrich their liberal arts education at Trinity. 


Several organizations offer various grants, fellowships, scholarships, or awards to undergraduate and graduate students in ancient Mediterranean studies, as well as opportunities to participate in digs and study abroad.

Here is a list of organizations that provide opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students:

Student Awards and Recognition

Outstanding Honors Awards
Each year, the Department of classical studies honors the achievements of some of its outstanding students during Trinity University's Honor Awards ceremony. The department gives an award to the outstanding senior in ancient Mediterranean studies, the outstanding senior in the study of ancient Greek, and the outstanding senior in the study of Latin.

Student Financial Services

Find out more scholarship and financial aid information through the Office of Student Financial Services.

Student Financial Services


Research Symposiums and Conferences
Student majors have presented papers at undergraduate research symposia across the country.

Research Labs
Students also engage in research with faculty, including in the innovative Roman World Lab. Students can also research in a humanities lab, for course credit, to undertake original research in premodern and early modern literature, learning how to transcribe and edit previously unpublished Greek or Latin manuscripts.

Office of Experiential Learning

Undergraduate research is central to Trinity University's values. The Office of Experiential Learning provides a place for students to gain information about internships, community service and service-learning opportunities, beyond the classroom course projects, and undergraduate research opportunities.

Study Abroad

Don't just learn it--live it
Many students study abroad, especially in Italy and Greece. Develop a deep understanding of international issues through intercultural learning in a complex world.

Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of the liberal arts ideals and a sign of the initiative and breadth often looked for by employers.

Get Started

The Study Abroad Office can help you find an opportunity based on your interests and/or studies. 

Study Abroad Office

Experiential Learning

Students can explore the strong classical collection at the San Antonio Museum of Art, with work that focuses on conservation, museum administration, original research, and object display. Students also take field trips to view plays and dig up artifacts and also put on productions.

"Daily Off" Class Contest
The department holds a "Daily Off," in which students from “Daily Life in Ancient Greece” and “Daily Life in Ancient Rome” compete in a contest to see which class was more, um, daily-er.

Field Trips and Activities
Past events have also included field trips to Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses in Austin and the production of a short film adaptation of Thornton Wilder's Ides of March.

Find an Internship

Trinity uses the Handshake system to share all job and internship opportunities with students.

Office of Experiential Learning

Student Organizations

Honor Society
The classical studies department is proud to be a member of Eta Sigma Phi, the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and Greek. Each May, students in the department who have met the strict eligibility requirements undergo a fearsome trial of initiation, including a scripted descent into the underworld. (We're not kidding.) We then toast our new initiates with soda, pizza, and other ritual foodstuffs. Officers of Eta Sigma Phi also help host various play-readings and departmental activities throughout the year.

HOMER Society
A student-led group, the HOMER society, meets regularly to participate in digital humanities work for the national Homer Multitext Project.

Join today

Use the Student Organization Portal to join an active organization or start one on campus.

Student Involvement Office